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2006-10-20 [amburTRON]: thanks!!
2006-10-20 [Shatureel]: Points up, Cutest nerdgirl submissions
2006-10-20 [green2.0]: uuuhhh fucking NERD
2006-10-20 [Hedda]: No, copy it to Cutest nerdgirl submissions! (It's easier for you than me, and you have to learn if you want to be a good nerd...)
Very cute!
2006-10-20 [Big Brother]: DAMN!!! i love this contest! who's idea was it?
2006-10-20 [RabidSphinx]: i submitted!!!
Pokemon roxorz!
2006-10-20 [Love like Winter.]: ... I've entered. I don't stand a chance, all the other nerd-girls are faaar cutier. Oh well, its the taking part that matters :)
2006-10-20 [Haruno Sakura]: You'll do well, I'm sure. Even if you get one vote, that means someone thinks you're cute. :)
2006-10-20 [Love like Winter.]: ... lol, true :)
2006-10-20 [RabidSphinx]: no one will vote for me since 2/3rds of EP hates me.. lol...but that's okay. i was excited to be the first to enter. this was an awesome idea for a competition!
(i'm wearing a spiderman shirt....lol)
2006-10-20 [Haruno Sakura]: Yah! I voted for this idea right away. Yay spidey!
2006-10-20 [Love like Winter.]: I voted for this idea too :P
2006-10-20 [FireGypsy]: Omg this is hilarious! Nice one Sarah! I have to figure out which nerdy activity I should catch myself doing haha!
2006-10-20 [♥♥!.. Tiny Heart ..!♥♥]: I entered.... yay
2006-10-20 [Haruno Sakura]: :D We're gonna have alot of fun picking just one.
2006-10-20 [FireGypsy]: I never got 3D glasses from seeing Monster House -_-
2006-10-20 [Haruno Sakura]: ;.; Porisita.
2006-10-20 [Haruno Sakura]: Hmmm...That's a good question!
2006-10-20 [Wendy]: I don't know if I should use the pic of me in a plushie bin or the pic of me with a ghostbuster...
2006-10-20 [Love like Winter.]: who ya gonna call..... Plushie-buster
2006-10-20 [FireGypsy]: Haha!
2006-10-21 [Haruno Sakura]: :P
2006-10-21 [Taking Back Jo]: I was considering entering this
Hehehe... maybe not :P
2006-10-21 [FireGypsy]: That is kinda nerdy ^_^
2006-10-21 [Haruno Sakura]: Especially with teh sticker still on the glasses.
2006-10-21 [FireGypsy]: *nods*
2006-10-23 [psychosocially insane]: go amber u rock
2006-10-23 [boooberry]: wow x
2006-10-23 [- xX - Raychel Anne - Xx -]: ok how do you enter?
2006-10-23 [Haruno Sakura]: Go to Cutest Nerd Girl Submissions, near the top, and click the link. Once there, edit the page and put your picture along with a short description. Voila! You are done and entered!
2006-10-24 [DARSH]: i wana enter this competision tooooooooo
2006-10-24 [isolated_comfort]: I entered. although I must say I am not a nerd. Just a big dork!!
2006-10-25 [soo_almighty]: aaaw!!! poor [DARSH]!
2006-10-25 [{{DAt MARRiEd lAdY}}]: damn that it said pretti guess nott
2006-10-31 [Wendy]: Some idiot told me that the rules require glasses. Dumbass... I had to doublecheck to make sure I wasn't the stupid one.
2006-10-31 [Hedda]: Well... Maybe I should have been more clear in that preamble.
2006-10-31 [Wendy]: Sorry for the harsh language. Methinks some people just assume things based on what they see. There are a lot of girls in glasses. Unless you wanted us to wear glasses.
2006-10-31 [Haruno Sakura]: A nerd isn't simply defined as someone with glasses and pocket protectors... :P
2006-10-31 [FireGypsy]: The safety glasses are a good idea. I'd enter myself wearing my welding helmet if I had it with me. I think I left it in Mass O_o
2006-10-31 [Haruno Sakura]: Not...asking..
2006-10-31 [FireGypsy]: I am a welder, not that hard to figure out lol! I blacksmith too. And work on cars, and throw fire. I am a one of a kind girl ^_^
2006-10-31 [Haruno Sakura]: But... Mass? As in church, or the state?
2006-10-31 [FireGypsy]: I used ot live in Mass, as in the state. I moved to Florida though! I hate the winter hehe!
2006-10-31 [Wendy]: Massachusetts.
2006-10-31 [Haruno Sakura]: :P Lucky me that I live in Texas. Super easy to type out.
2006-10-31 [FireGypsy]: I was being lazy, I can spell the state I lived in my whole life lol! It is very time consuming haha!
2006-10-31 [Wendy]: Glasses are a fashion accessory, these days. What's nerdy about having bad eyesight? Nothing, unless your eyewear is incredibly unfashionable. Coke bottle lenses, anyone?
2006-10-31 [Haruno Sakura]: Yeah, and cat-eye lenses used to be incredibly nerdy back in the day, but now everyone wears them!!!
2006-10-31 [Wendy]: Not everyone, but they do make a strong statement for a period or retro style.
2006-10-31 [Haruno Sakura]: Yeah. Like Bell Bottoms a couple of years ago.
2006-10-31 [FireGypsy]: Hey! I have always worn bell-bottoms and still do!
2006-10-31 [Haruno Sakura]: I like them cause I can change my shoes. :P
2006-10-31 [FireGypsy]: Well, all the clothes that I would LIKE to wear havent been made, so I am stuck with what stores sell really.
2006-10-31 [Haruno Sakura]: XP I know!!!!
2006-11-03 [Wendy]: Bell bottoms are so cute, though!
2006-11-08 [Kaos101]: [FireGypsy]: they haven't been made? But then how do you know you want to wear them?
2006-11-08 [Haruno Sakura]: Anime.
2006-11-08 [FireGypsy]: Because I think them up lol!
2006-11-09 [Wendy]: Duh! She designs them in her head! She is leet and creative like that. XD
2006-11-09 [FireGypsy]: Oh yeah!
2006-11-09 [Wendy]: I have a hard time with jeans. I'm tiny. They are long and baggy at the back of the thigh. They have to be the stretchy ones.
2006-11-09 [FireGypsy]: I have such a hard time finding jeans. They are all tight on my butt but loose on my thighs! I want tight pants all over damnit!
2006-11-09 [Love like Winter.]: I'm the opposite. There all tight on my waist but loose on my legs... so, I go a size bigger.. which is comfier and more flattering.. but then its baggy on my butt. Stupid jeans >,>
2006-11-09 [FireGypsy]: And its not like I have a big butt either! I hardly have a butt at all!
2006-11-09 [Love like Winter.]: I like my butt in tight jeans.. I have no reason to feel insacure about it. Its the only part that I feel that way about though >,> stupid tight jeans, don't fit properly >.<
2006-11-09 [Wendy]: I am soooo glad that I'm not the only one! I also hate when they ride up in the crotch. Everyone has different shapes and sizes down there. I'm more defined, I guess you could say. I also have to buy the right panties. Who wants camel toe? Speaking of panties, whatever happened to being able to buy great panties in a box set? Now the quality has lowered. I want some low rise panties, that, like, don't pop over my freakin' jeans! Ya know? Nowadays, you have to buy %20 low risers. Does anyone know of a place to buy panty packs that are suer low rise? LOL!
2006-11-10 [Haruno Sakura]: You can find everything aqt Wal-Mart. :P Just kidding. They'd probably dissolve while you're wearing them or something. >.O
2006-11-10 [Love like Winter.]: Okay, were only certain pictures picked for the poll? :(
2006-11-10 [Hedda]: See §4.
We can't have all the image in the Mainstuff poll, and it's against the idea of the competitions to pick images that just show cute girls without anything nerdy in the photo. So the crew selected the nerdist photos.
2006-11-10 [Haruno Sakura]: :(
2006-11-10 [Love like Winter.]: ... But I had a fookin' Dalek on my chest! I could have been the "Dr.Who nerd" lol.
2006-11-11 [Haruno Sakura]: I know. And I was Sakura! Sakura for crying our loud!
2006-11-11 [Hedda]: [Love like Winter.]: You are the Dr Who Nerd ;) No one can take that away from you.
2006-11-11 [Love like Winter.]: lol, I keep telling myself that..
2006-11-11 [Haruno Sakura]: Wow, sorry about that rant last night. I was practically asleep when I wrote it.
2006-11-12 [Andy8178]: Eh, I'd like to see all the nerds submitted compete... just tier off the competition =P Post each for two weeks, then have a battle of the best hahaha!
2006-11-12 [Wendy]: *points up* See that pic? Ha ha ha!
2006-11-16 [Nightmare Blood]: who is that?
2006-11-16 [Hedda]: Not an Elfpacker... Or maybe it's [Wendy]? Well, it's hard to see and she entered too late ;)
2006-11-16 [Wendy]: It's just a funny pic I found on the internet.
2006-12-05 [JoviForLife]: Wish i could enter :(
2006-12-05 [Hedda]: [JoviForLife]: Find a Santa-hat and enter one of Santa-competit
2006-12-06 [Wendy]: They voted for the prettiest, crispest picture. Make sure you look your prettiest next time. I always thought that the crew was the final judge, but maybe they changed it so that now all EP members decide. I hope no one is cheating with fake accounts. They could get caught by having their IP addresses checked. lol!
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